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E/S Ethernet actives
Vue :
Active Ethernet I/O with 12 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs
ioLogik E2210
269.00€ HT
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Ethernet micro RTU controller with 12 DIs, 8 DOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2210-T
419.00€ HT
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Active Ethernet I/O with 8 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs, and 4 configurable DIOs
ioLogik E2212
375.00€ HT
En stock
Ethernet micro RTU controller with 8 DIs, 8 DOs, 4 DIOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2212-T
539.00€ HT
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Active Ethernet I/O with 6 digital inputs and 6 relay outputs
ioLogik E2214
409.90€ HT
En stock
Active Ethernet I/O with 8 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs
ioLogik E2240
486.00€ HT
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Active Ethernet I/O with 4 analog inputs and 12 configurable DIOs
ioLogik E2242
519.00€ HT
En stock
Active Ethernet I/O with 4 analog inputs and 12 configurable DIOs
ioLogik E2242-T
655.00€ HT
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Active Ethernet I/O with 6 RTD inputs and 4 digital outputs
ioLogik E2260
465.00€ HT
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Ethernet micro RTU controller with 6 RTDs, 4 DOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2260-T
657.00€ HT
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Active Ethernet I/O with 8 thermocouple inputs and 4 digital outputs
ioLogik E2262
521.00€ HT
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Ethernet micro RTU controller with 8 TCs and 4 DOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
ioLogik E2262-T
735.00€ HT
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LCD module with 16 x 2 text display and 5 buttons
25.69€ HT
En stock
Nombre de produits : 13