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Articles correspondants à l’ensemble des critères sélectionnés:
Compliant with SATA III 6.0Gb/s (backward compatible to 1.5Gb/s and 3Gb/s)
MLC NAND flash memory
Capacity: 128GB
En stock
Compliant with SATA III 6.0Gb/s (backward compatible to 1.5Gb/s and 3Gb/s)
MLC NAND flash memory
Capacity: 128GB
145.00€ HT
En stock
Compliant with SATA III 6.0Gb/s (backward compatible to 1.5Gb/s and 3Gb/s)
MLC NAND flash memory
Capacity: 64GB
En stock
Compliant with SATA III 6.0Gb/s (backward compatible to 1.5Gb/s and 3Gb/s)
MLC NAND flash memory
Capacity: 64GB
En stock
Compliant with SATA III 6.0Gb/s (backward compatible to 1.5Gb/s and 3Gb/s)
MLC NAND flash memory
Capacity: 64GB
89.00€ HT
En stock
Compliant with SATA III 6.0Gb/s (backward compatible to 1.5Gb/s and 3Gb/s)
MLC NAND flash memory
Capacity: 32GB
En stock
Compliant with SATA III 6.0Gb/s (backward compatible to 1.5Gb/s and 3Gb/s)
MLC NAND flash memory
Capacity: 32GB
59.00€ HT
En stock
Compliant with SATA III 6.0Gb/s (backward compatible to 1.5Gb/s and 3Gb/s)
MLC NAND flash memory
Capacity: 16GB
En stock
Compliant with SATA III 6.0Gb/s (backward compatible to 1.5Gb/s and 3Gb/s)
MLC NAND flash memory
Capacity: 256GB
288.00€ HT
En stock
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