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ioLogik E1240-T

Référence - Moxa-ioLogik E1240-T
Note moyenne : 0 avis
409.00€ HT

Ethernet Remote I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch and 8 AIs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature

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ioLogik E1240-T
Notes et avis

Built-in 2-port Ethernet switch for daisy-chain topologies
Supports Moxa’s push-based Active OPC Server Lite
- Connect to any SCADA system
- Reduce network bandwidth by 80%
- I/O response that’s seven times faster
User-defined Modbus/TCP addressing
I/O peer-to-peer function
MXIO programming library for Windows and WinCE VB/VC.NET and Linux C APIs
Web configuration with import/export function


*Some functions may require a firmware update. 



1 x ioLogik E1200 Series unit
1 x support CD/DVD
1 x installation guide


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ioLogik E1240-T
Notes et avis

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