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ioLogik E1210
Remote Ethernet I/O with 16 digital inputs
163.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1210-T
Ethernet Remote I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch and 16 DIs , -40 to 75°C operating temperature
268.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1211
Remote Ethernet I/O with 16 digital outputs
178.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1211-T
Ethernet Remote I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch and 16 DOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
289.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1212
Remote Ethernet I/O with 8 digital inputs, 8 configurable digital input/outputs
178.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1212-T
Ethernet Remote I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch, 8 DIs, and 8 DIOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
286.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1214
Remote Ethernet I/O with 6 digital inputs, 6 relays
ioLogik E1214-T
Remote Ethernet I/O with 6 digital inputs, 6 relays -40 +75 °C
304.00€ HT
Sur demande
ioLogik E1240
Remote Ethernet I/O with 8 analog inputs
255.00€ HT
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ioLogik E1240-T
Ethernet Remote I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch and 8 AIs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
409.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1241
Remote Ethernet I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch and 4 AOs
ioLogik E1241-T
Ethernet Remote I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch and 4 AOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
470.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1242
Remote Ethernet I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch, 4 AIs, 4 DIs, and 4 DIOs
275.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1242-T
Ethernet Remote I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch, 4 AIs, 4 DIs, and 4 DIOs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
409.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1260
Remote Ethernet I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch and 6 RTDs
304.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1260-T
Ethernet Remote I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch and 6 RTDs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
439.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1262
Remote Ethernet I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch and 8 TCs
329.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1262-T
Ethernet Remote I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch and 8 TCs, -40 to 75°C operating temperature
476.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1510-M12-T
Ethernet remote I/O, M12 connector, 12 DIs, -40 to 85°C operating temperature
939.00€ HT
En stock
ioLogik E1512-M12-T
Ethernet remote I/O, M12 connector, 4 DIs, 4 DIOs, -40 to 85°C operating temperature
919.00€ HT
En stock
Nombre de produits : 20